The burial sites are arranged around the graves of Theodore Sedgwick (1746–1813), patriarch of the prominent Sedgwick family of New England and a justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (among other positions), and his wife, Pamela Dwight Sedgwick (1753–1807). The graves of the others, who include in-laws, servants, and family pets, form concentric circles around the center, with the buried grouped by familial affiliation, and laid to rest with their feet toward the center. This contrasts with the orientation of the other graves in the cemetery, which (in classic fashion) face east, toward the rising sun, Jerusalem (with all its significance), and the hoped-for Resurrection. It has been said that this arrangement of the graves sees to it that on Judgment Day, when the Sedgwicks rise to face their judge, they will only have to look at other Sedgwicks.

The Sedgwick Pie

Drone shot of The Pie

Elizabeth “Mumbet” Freeman 1742-1829

Sedgwick funeral cart used in the Stockbridge Memorial Day Parade

“Happy Juneteenth Ms. Freeman. Rest in Power and Freedom. With love and admiration.”

Theodore and Pamela headstone

Space is getting tight in many sections of the Sedgwick Pie, which means we need to start planning now in order to be able to accommodate future generations. The family owns an adjacent plot of land in the cemetery, but the question remains how this plot will be incorporated into the circular concept of the Pie with the Judge and Pamela at its center.

Landscaping and headstone maintenance are funded by a modest endowment administered through the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, a 501 (C) 3 organization based in Sheffield. The fund, however, does not adequately cover all needed expenses including future maintenance costs. Many of the old Hemlocks and Arborvitae, for example, need to be removed or replaced while headstones, many of which date back to the early 1800s, require constant care and renovation.

The Pie in winter

Donations and bequests are strongly encouraged from all family members as well as from possible outside benefactors. Current funding is shouldered by a very few individual donors and/or family foundations. The endowment fund was established a few years ago to encourage greater participation from family members by making contributions tax-deductible.

Catherine Maria Sedgwick buried to the right of Mumbet.